Stuart Harris MA Dip. Ad Dip. Dip. Dip (Supervision) MBACP (Acc) UKAHPP Counselling in Gloucester

Testimonials from previous clients

"Stuart has helped me understand and heal myself where other counsellors and techniques have left me unable to move forward. He is very talented and professional. Thank you for supporting me through this tough period of my life."

"I cannot praise or thank Stuart enough for helping me find the strength to carry on after losing my daughter. He was compassionate, caring and listened whole heartedly and was able to steer me back. Without his support I feel I would have had a nervous breakdown."

"Stuart was the first counsellor I have ever been to (and I have seen quite a few) who has an appreciation of the spiritual side of human development. I was able to talk about emotional, mental and spiritual things and get his help in being able to integrate all three. Thank you."

"I found counselling invaluable. I am much more able to cope with life and ready to deal with new challenges. I have become much more self aware and able to work through my thoughts and feelings. Thank you Stuart.

"Stuart was extremely helpful - in fact the most effective counsellor I have spoken to over the past many years. He has enabled me to effectively manage significant issues and develop effective coping strategies - for the first time in over 30 years of struggling."

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